A big part of Fourth Grade is learning responsibility. Being responsible means following through on your commitments and doing your job to the best of your ability. You will have homework assignments to complete which will show me how well you've understood the lessons taught. This is important because it tells me in what areas I need to focus on or review.

Many times you will  be able to finish the assignment during class work time. Sometimes however, you will need to finish up your work at home. Checking your planner at the end of each day will help you determine what you need to bring home. I'll help you with this. Soon you'll discover that you are growing in responsibility!

Sometimes things come up at home or in your families that make it hard for you to get an assignment done on time. Please visit with me right away and we'll make arrangements for you to complete the work. If you know that you will miss school for an appointment or a trip, please see me as soon as possible so that we can make arrangements for you to complete your work. I can't always guarantee you I will be able to give you your assignments ahead of time, but I will do my best to try.  Sometimes you might just forget. Again, if this happens, see me right away. I'm always impressed with students who display  honesty and accept responsibility for their actions.

Planned absence Visit with teachers before absence to get work ahead of time.
Absence due to illness Visit with teachers to find out what you missed. Complete make-up work for the following school day.
Late Assignments Visit with teacher to discuss completing assignment.


Mrs. Broughton's Late Assignment Policy

  • Work to be completed at recess or home that night
  • Late work marked & noted in student planner, with parent signature required in planner. Blue Classroom Referral Form issued on an as-needed basis to inform parents of continuous late assignments or incomplete work.
